Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Party Time

Well ok it isn't really party time for 2 more months but I'm starting to think about what to do for Timothy's 1st birthday. Also thinking about what to get him. Clowns are always fun and there will be lots of older kids there, and in older I mean 4-8 year olds. Great age for it. I've been slowly gathering stuff for loot bags as well, stuff that if it doesn't get used can always be recycled to the next party. I love having parties for the kids!!!!! Guess I really should call the community center and see if they have an opening for his party. I would love to have it at my house but the beginning of June the weather could be gorgeous or shitty. I have that same problem for a September party, no saying what way the weather will flip.

The guest list has gotten rather large so maybe I will have the family in for cake on his birthday and then have everyone else come to the other party, my mom of course will be invited to both seeing she was with me when I delivered him. Time to figure all this out. It shouldn't be hard but hubbies work is still screwing around with things and who knows what's happening there.

They got notice of one thing and then the union person calls and says they are trying something else and I just want answers, is that really too much to ask for? I just want to know if he will be working still and how much he will be working. That will play a huge factor in what happens around here and how hard I try to get another preschool child for daycare. I hate the unknown.

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