Monday, April 21, 2008


I did it again didn't I, I went forever without an entry. Well here is a new one. Alex made the summer rep team, one higher than his winter one. He is now a white kid. Why would anyone in their right mind put a child on a white team though? One where they play in mud and slide on the grass. Can anyone see the problem with this? Whoever picked white must not have kids or just not have done the laundry to get the mud and grass stains out of the white and keep it looking the best. He is going to have a blast and we will all be soccer-ed out by the end of July. He plays house league 4 nights a week plus however many more times the reserve boys play.

Zachary and Keona only play twice a week so that isn't bad at all. They all got new shoes, which I wish were alot cheaper, and they look good. It's not so much the shoes are expensive, it's when you buy 3 pairs at once and as you punch the buttons in for your debit card you can just vision the bank balance fall way down low.

The things we do for our kids. And Timothy isn't even soccer age for another 2 years.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Well, he'll be on the white team for the first game, and then he'll be on the dingy team!