Thursday, January 11, 2007

Peaceful Quiet

With a house usually full of kids there really is such a thing. Keona has gone to school today with the boys and Timothy is eating his Polar Bear. This is a nice peaceful quiet in my house. In a year I won't be saying that anymore because Timothy will be more mobile and if it's quiet, like with his siblings, it won't be a peaceful thing unless he is asleep, and even then it will be more eerie because kids can wake up and not make a noise just to get into something.

This morning came too early when the other half got up for work and all I could here was "mommy let me out of my room" I ignored her so the "open my dooooooooor" started. I still ignored her and like I hoped she fell back to sleep for another hour. She was a much happier girl then. Wonders what 12 1/2 hours of sleep can do for a little girl. I wish I new what it could do for me. My son looks at me like i'm a cow and thinks he needs to eat multiple time a night. Last night wasn't as bad as it has been, he took a couple 3 hour blocks, until 4 this morning and then it was a rest of the night thing. He eats constantly and then still gets up and has a good breakfast, I don't know where this kid puts it and he's only a baby, what happens in those dreaded teenage years when he doesn't stop eating? He's now eating a giraffe as he plays, as happy as can be. He is much more relaxed when big sister isn't around, maybe because he knows he won't be used as a dolly and carried around if I turn my back. He can actually play with his toys and not have big brother in his face to bug him. His biggest brother won't decide he wants to play with him, pick him up, sit on the couch, get him all worked up and then decide he wants nothing to do with him. He can play, have fun and babble away at mommy all day. Little does he know he has a friend coming over later today that mommy is going to start babysitting, someone his size and just a 3 months older. The peaceful quiet will be gone but the baby giggles won't be. Something has him very excited so i'm off to load up on coffee (I know, it's the thing likely keeping him up all night) and off to play.


gracelizz said...

almost sounds like one of my days hold strong girlfriend we the moms will prevail lol

The Maven said...

Oh man... I was SO there with the other two and their constant night time chow sessions.

Thankfully, Spawnling enjoys his sleep at the moment. I don't know if that will change (pleasedon'tpleasedon't) but I'm going to enjoy it while I can.

Know what, though? I would have done it all over again regardless. I miss those cuddly babies when they get bigger, sleepless nights or not :)