Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Well summer was great and fall has been good too. The only thing that could have been better is if it was 40C with the humidex one day and barely pushing 20C the next and it's cooled right down now. Low single digits at night and teens in the day. It was like a switch.

That switch also did other things too. Alex loves school again. He is thoroughly enjoying it and is excited to go every morning. Flash back to a couple years ago when he was finishing Grade 4 and I had to drag him to school because he didn't want to go. Grade 5 and 6 were pretty good and he was happy again as we changed schools but now he is in PJP II he is excited. It's great to see that on his face and hear about his day when he comes home.

Keona also had a switch. The bratty girl hasn't returned to school. Some good girl has taken her place. It's a pleasant surprise. I had a talk with her teacher and he told me what he was doing to try to keep her in check - a must do thing - and it sounds great. I let him know that any issues to let me know right away. I made sure he knew that I had no problems working with him to make sure she has a successful year, that is, as long as he doesn't give into her ever. I saw him again and she is still doing well. She may actually have a teacher than can handle her and it's a good feeling.

The other two kids are doing well too. The baby is so excited that he has school next week and gets to be a big kid. The other one, well he's the same - nothing has really changed in him.

Here's to good marks and happy kids!!!