Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Working Momma

Well it looks like i'm back out into the workforce. It's only been 9 years since I worked out of the house so it shouldn't be all that bad right? I got on full time at the Dairy Queen really close to where I live. I start on Monday morning, the Monday of the long weekend. If it's hot you know it will be super busy so lets hope I catch on super quick. It should be alright though once I know how to do things. This could be the boost we need to get back on track again.

Later on in the day I got a call from Startek offering me a job with them. Sundays off!!!! That is very important to me. Now to figure out what job I want more and daycare for the kids.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Well a couple winters ago we almost had the Winter that wasn't. The snow took forever to come and then it was gone about the same time as usual and it got warm. Speed up to 2008. It seems like we are going through the Summer that wasn't. We've had so much rain and cool weather it's crazy. Don't get me wrong though we do get a nice day thrown in here and there but it's followed by a week of crap. My poor garden looks so pathetic compared to where it should be, it just won't grow nice. It's too wet and cold. It needs sun, something that is surprisingly out today. At least i'm pretty sure it's a sun, the big yellow thing in the sky. Clouds keep going over it but today they are big and poofy, at least for now. Forecast has thunderstorms for tonight, yet again. This is the year when we could really use a plentiful garden with everything that has gone on and is still going on. Maybe it will turn good still. It is early. Better yet, maybe the summer will come and warmer weather will push into fall. None of my pumpkins grew. I'm sad about that. The kids love watching them grow. The turban gourds are growing, no sign of gourds on them yet but the plants are trying, so there is hope of something nice.