Sunday, April 27, 2008


Alex is one excited child today. He had a practice for his soccer team while the parents had their meeting. He is heading to Minneapolis in July for the USA cup final weekend. He can't wait to go. His player pack has grown a ton from just 1 uniform, 1 pair of socks and 1 bag all the way up to 4 uniforms and socks, 1 raincoat, 1 track suit, 1 polo shirt and 1 bag. That's alot of clothes to try to keep track of and clean. He got extra excited when they found out that's the same player kit that the real Chill have.

Just so people know, i'm not lost, i'm just at soccer and alot of soccer. Looks like it could be 6 days a week. Brad will be a soccer widow for that time seeing I will be the chauffeur for the kids. I love my kids.


Dorothy said...

When did my boy go and grow up?

pbfwood said...

I don't know. I can't wait to get pictures of him in his uniforms though. He's going to look all handsome.