Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Working Momma

Well it looks like i'm back out into the workforce. It's only been 9 years since I worked out of the house so it shouldn't be all that bad right? I got on full time at the Dairy Queen really close to where I live. I start on Monday morning, the Monday of the long weekend. If it's hot you know it will be super busy so lets hope I catch on super quick. It should be alright though once I know how to do things. This could be the boost we need to get back on track again.

Later on in the day I got a call from Startek offering me a job with them. Sundays off!!!! That is very important to me. Now to figure out what job I want more and daycare for the kids.

1 comment:

~*Jobthingy*~ said...

luck! hope it went well. man, if i worked at Dairy Queen i would eat my paycheck in icecream LOL