Thursday, June 12, 2008

Was worked..........turned to kids

I love my job. Having a daycare is so rewarding. It's naptime but because it's raining cats and dogs again the kids get to curl up on the couch with a blanket and watch kids shows for a little while. Chances are they will be sleeping fairly quickly. We just watched the end of Winnie the Pooh and now they are watching Mickey Mouse. They are adorable as they hug their sippy cups and tiggers. I have a little me time before getting lunch ready for them, if they crash they will both be out for a good 1 1/2 hours usually.

I get to watch my own son grow up, be here for him every day and have fun. I'm home when the big kids go to school and i'm here when they come home to hear about their day. My baby girl is 5 and just about done SK and her stories are who she isn't friends with anymore, but then by the end of the day they have made up again. They usually stop being friends because one wants the blue marker the same time the other one does or one child doesn't like the picture the other one coloured. She did achieve 100 good listening dots and brought home a certificate yesterday which she was so proud to show everyone.

Zachary is almost done Grade 2 and will be moving onto the Grade 3 in the fall. He goes to me last week and says "wow mommy, i'm sure smart. And to think they didn't think I could handle Grade 1 even" See he isn't the fastest of workers but he always gets it done and he doesn't care if everyone is playing and he is still working. He sets his mind to it and does it. He does it well usually too.

Alex is my sports kid. Anything to do with sports that he wants to do he does, and it comes naturally usually. He comes home and tells me how many goals he got at recess or all about whatever sport they played. I don't here much about his academic work. The big thing I did hear about was his midevil unit at school. That is the big grade 4 unit that most kids look forward too. I can't believe that my first born is going to start 5th Grade in the fall, already. He was just a teeny tiny boy who could barely walk and got excited when his daddy came home. Now my last born is past that stage already.

Being able to be here for my kids is a great thing. With hubby still not working 7 1/2 months after his fall i'm not sure how much longer I can stay home for.

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