Wednesday, March 24, 2010


That is what my morning was like today. Very relaxing. And yes I did have to get all my kids up for school. I woke up 45 minutes later than usual by a little voice informing me "I have to pee mommy". I turned on the light and went back to bed. A couple minutes later my little prince came and joined me in bed so I turned on Treehouse and all was good. That seemed to have woken up the Princess who said she wanted to wear a dress to school. No big deal. I figure there is no more sleep in mommyland and with only 10 minutes before the alarm went off I wasn't too worried. The boys were awake enough to talk to me when I opened their doors. Their was no battle to get either of them out of bed. They ate breakfast and made their lunches and didn't fight. They got out the door to school and 2 of them had to be called back to get books they had forgotten. Little Prince wanted to play the wii so he did while I looked online for jobs. We had snack and played playdoh. Daddy called and wanted to have lunch together seeing he had an hour break today so off we went. Now we are home and it's quiet time - and he is being really quiet so I don't dare disturb him.

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