Thursday, April 1, 2010


It's been 2 weeks since i've worked. It's like I haven't been at work forever already but at the same time it's hard to beleive it's already been this long. Not many jobs out there that I qualify for so i'm enjoying my time while I have it. Today was nice getting some grocery shopping done with one helper. And a very big helper he is. He made the big decision about what package of cheese sticks we should buy. When we got to the yogurt section he reminded me that we needed more. Didn't quite understand why we didn't need as much as he wanted to buy though. He helped picking out the ham for Easter dinner. Laughed at some of them because they looked funny, wanted to buy bacon because it comes from a pig like ham does and he likes bacon so it must be the same thing. I obviously don't have ham nearly enough that my son can tell the difference. He wanted 2 big bags of potatoes and was shocked when that's what we got. With 6 of us regularly and extras now and then it really doesn't last all that long and they were a great price. He also got to pick what can of coffee we were going to buy. When we had those things mommy was more than happy when he wanted to look at the movies that were right by the Easter candy so the Easter Bunny could pick up some much needed chocolate. When it came time to pay he was distracted by the till while I put all the Easter candy on, then he helped. The cashier was great and bagged the candy for me - this was at Superstore where you are suppose to bag your own - so that the little Prince didn't see it. When we paid he even helped me make sure everything fit onto the stroller so we could walk home. I did get funny looks having a 3 year old and a stroller. Silly people, the stroller isn't for the kid - it's for the groceries. You can't seriously expect me to carry home all that heavy stuff and keep an active preschooler away from the road knowing that my hands are full. I have baby rings on the handle of the stroller that we unhooked one end and he held them nicely and at times the clip to lock the stroller together nicely, all the way home.

It was a great shopping trip with him today.

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