Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Roller Coaster

That's what I feel like i'm on lately. I just wish I could stay on the top - or at least most of the way up. Bad things this week is that I didn't loose any weight again, hubby fell again and has missed even more work. Good things are my little mans birthday party for his friends is on Friday and he is very excited, also, I have a job interview today.

Now the job interview could go either way. I'm loving being able to stay home with my kids again, it's great. But on the other hand making money is great too. I wish I new what to do about this. I'm going to go to the interview and see what they have to say at least. Find out as much as I can. I'm really hoping I can get a Monday to Friday job again, it works best for my family. That means I will also have to get Timothy into daycare again. As much fun as he had I don't know if I can do that. I do NEED to have his first day of school off, no way can I miss that, it's to important of a day for him. Working and bringing home a paycheque again will be nice though, I wish that I could fill up my daycare and have work, money and be home with my kids.

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