Monday, April 19, 2010

Bitch Week

That is what it is here. Some of my friends will understand while others will wonder. It's Monday and that means weigh in day. Who the heck plateaus in week 2. I didn't go on the cruise. I did my work outs. I tried. I definately didn't do it well enough though. I'm still 22lbs away from my goal. How can that be? The days before bitch week come are not good days for me. I like to eat. All the work I did went down the drain with that Tomato Soup cake and those extra chicken nuggets. I new as I ate them that I shouldn't and it would throw my calorie intake into overdrive. I'm not feeling good that this has happened. I'm going to be more careful this week on calorie intake, that's for sure. This will definately be the hardest to not have chocolate and pepsi going.

My other big goal for this week is to eat breakfast within 30 minutes of getting up in the morning. I'm not a breakfast person, coffee is good enough - at least it was. Now i'm going to make an effort to eat something decent. Facebook and emails will have to wait until the food is in. I hope my virtual friends don't mind but it's something I have to do. As to my sister, who I know reads these, i'm 2 hours ahead of you so it's not like you will notice a difference. I can still check for sister messages and respond before you are even out of bed.

Today I received 2 coupons one was a b1g1 free CHOCOLATE bar. The other was just for a free CHOCOLATE bar. Is the world telling me something. I'm trying to be a better person - that chocolate will have to wait another 11 days and then it will depend on if I can make room for it. I mean 16 junior mints is 170 calories so I have to learn self control really fast. I haven't even looked at a chocolate bar - i'm sort of scared too.

So I know what I did wrong and I know what I have to improve and have set a new goal for this week. I will be successful, i'll just have to work a little harder.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Hey...change is big stuff, and it won't happen overnight. Besides, a plateau is better than sliding back, right? Just keep trying, accept the occasional setback, and don't give up. I'm really proud of you.