Thursday, April 15, 2010


As I go through the week with Alex away it's interesting to read their status updates. Alex will go on and post that they just left wherever they have been. Great, I know he is ok - and I know it's him because only he could spell like he does. Then I read my dad's status update and I find out what they actually did and saw. That also leaves me feeling good to know they are having a great time, and are doing well. Although Alex is missing school all week he is learning alot of geography and history while away. He has a map of where the cruise ship is going. He's kayaked in Mexico, biked in Costa Rica and hiked in the jungle and today is going to visit an Embara Indian Tribe in Panama. Valuable lessons will be learned and great experiences had. I hope when he returns though his journal is a little more detailed as to the adventures he's been on.

Other interesting words to read are packages. I've learned to successfully read the nutrition information on packages. I can say i've had 400 calories so far today. Not bad seeing i've had breakfast and a snack. I'm allowed between 1400-1600 more. Coupons on packages can cause issues for cashiers in stores as well. I had one from a cereal box - to get a free box of cereal. The kids will eat the cereal as it's corn pops but they are lucky to have it. The cashier flipped the coupon over 3 times and then had to ask me what it was for. Maybe she couldn't read the big FREE on one side. I explained it to her and finally got the cereal free. Bonus is that on the new box of cereal I can get a free frozen OJ concentrate.

Words can give people so much satisfaction in many situations - knowing your family is safe, knowing that you are eating well or knowing something is free. All of these are great uses of words.

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