Saturday, January 13, 2007

Another day older

OMG, i'm another day closer to turning 30. So I still have months to go before that actually happens but still, it's an extra day closer. This morning getting up wasn't the same as it has been in a long time. I was so looking forward to sleeping in, because that's what my husband said I could do. So like a good wife, I dealt with Timothy all night when he didn't want to sleep. Then it happened, riiiiiiing, riiiiiiing riiiiiiiing. Of all mornings my husband actually jumped out of bed to answer the phone. He works in a nursing home, can you guess what they wanted? Yup, on a day it's -28C outside they wante him to go to work. So, after last nights dumb ass move, he thought it would be best to go and make some extra money. He was nice and did the papers before he went so I wouldn't have to drag all the kids out of their warm beds and into the freezing cold. Mind you by this time 3 of them were already out of their warm beds and my thought of sleeping in was long gone. Tomorrow we have to get up early for Church and then he doesn't have another day off until Thursday. So much for sleeping in, although if it's this cold tomorrow morning I may stay home with Timothy instead of bringing him out in the cold. Then the two of us can sleep, because in his eyes, morning when everyone is up and the kids have gone to school is the perfect time to nap. But if i'm about to fall asleep with him, it's only a short nap day because mom isn't allowed to sleep. Tomorrow however, mom will sleep if it's too cold and a boob will keep him happy and content.

1 comment:

The Maven said...

Ugh. Drats. Phooey. Blast.

And all that other stuff that would describe your lack of sleep today. What a drag!

We went outside for all of half an hour today because it was so chilly. I hope tomorrow is warmer for our sake and colder for yours!