I'm suppose to be paying attention mom. How did you know I wouldn't? And how the heck did you get the camera ready for when I wouldn't? OH yeah, i'm your boy and you know me.

It's an important job decorating the tree. Serious business, can you tell by my face. All the ornaments have to get on just right. But once they are on I can laugh and play again.

I'm cute and innocent and I dare you to say any different. Don't let this face fool you because she is a little dingbat in disguise. She will get into everything and anything and it's never a good thing when the house is quiet and she is home.

I see that paper and gosh darn it mommy i'm going to get it. Yes the wrapping paper was Timothy's favourite part about Christmas. Every time I turned around he had wrapping paper in his mouth. Between that and boobies he thinks he's set.
So there you have it. A glimps of what went on this Christmas season. Just a glimpse, but updated pictures of all the kiddos. What a cute little family we have, well ok it's not little but it's still a bunch of cute kids. Just 4 kids that is, not like today when I had 3 extra kids under 16 months. That was fun. At least they all got along fairly well and there was no hair pulling. Nope, the hair pulling was last week and then I got 2 looks, one of "why is that other boy crying mommy" and the other "what is he doing to me, it hurts". Timothy is lacking in the hair department compared to all the other kids he knows, so he feels the need to take other peoples, especially his mommies. He gives the cutest little face and then the hand starts to move. It holds onto my boob, then reaches a little farther and a little farther. I think to myself, the baby just wants a kiss on the hand. What a sweet little boy. Then no sooner do I kiss his hand, he has a whole handful of hair!!!!!! What a little rascal he can be. Big sister said it was ok to pull her hair, of course he was only pulling a couple at a time and then not really pulling, just running his hand along it. Then came the handfuls of her hair also, she dosen't think it's too funny. So Keona and I sit and wait for him to get lots of hair so that he will hopefully leave ours alone. Until then does anyone have some spare hair they can lend us, we will soon be bald.
hahaha i have some hair u guys can have i got 12 kids with lots of it im sure they wont mind lmao
12 kids! holy shit. and you are around to post on blogs.
the kidlets look great Patty. Timothy is getting so big.
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