I can't believe it's been so long since my last blog. I would love to think I will start blogging more but if I say it it won't happen. Things here are so crazy lately. Brad got hurt a good 7 weeks ago and hasn't worked since. With the boys birthdays and Christmas it hasn't been fun around here at all. Things have been so incredibly tight it isn't even funny. Thanks to some great family members they brought us through November in one piece. Looks like December we will be ok too, I won't say it too loud though in case, for whatever reason, things don't fall into place. All I know is there is enough people who love and care about us that we will be ok. I have a wonderful family and feel lucky Brad wanted to marry into it. My kids are being raised like I was and hopefully they will grow up and want to help out others in need as well.
I often want things to be like they were a few weeks ago before the fall, but know only time will make that happen. I have been blessed that my children have seen the generosity of my family and have seen our prayers being answered. If nothing else their faith has been proven to them and how wonderful it is. They have learned to pull together and help each other out more and to help me out as well. They have learned that they can't always have what they want, because the resources aren't there, but have also learned that they will always have what they need. They have learned that strangers can be kind by the words they say and sometimes that's all it takes to brighten up the day. They have learned that their extra activities can still carry on, even if daddy can't be part of them right now. They have learned that they don't need daddy to play in the snow, even though they asked Santa for a magic wand to make him all better so he can. They have learned that their daddy is great at colouring and it's a fun activity they can do together. They have learned to appreciate each others activities, as they all have to go to all of them when no babysitter is available. Most importantly, they have learned that their parents love is unconditional and no matter what happens in the house, our love will always be there for them.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Monday, April 30, 2007
Still kickin
I'm here I"m here!!!!!! But not for long, hubby just walked in with a banana creme blizzard and I can't wait to eat it.
Things are going good. Love the faces I get when I go in public and tell people i'm not sure who all the kids daddy's are (remember I have 4 extra daycare kids). Not my fault people think i've overpopulated the city all by myself. I had to tell one lady because, no doubt, the poor lady was about to pass out when I told her I had 4 kids at school, while I had all the babies, and toddler, with me. Things are going great with the daycare though. Almost couldn't ask for better. One little boy wasn't happy all day today, I have no clue why, but we managed and got through the day.
My kids are busy busy busy. With soccer, swimming, track and feild and trying to have a life in there somewhere, there isn't much other time.
We had a huge scare with hubby loosing his job. Thankfully he got it back in a different position before the start date for loosing it kicked in. It's nerve racking not knowing what's happening.
Hope all my friends are doing well, Jobthingy not sure if i'm glad i'm here with you learning to drive. Hope that goes well for you.
Things are going good. Love the faces I get when I go in public and tell people i'm not sure who all the kids daddy's are (remember I have 4 extra daycare kids). Not my fault people think i've overpopulated the city all by myself. I had to tell one lady because, no doubt, the poor lady was about to pass out when I told her I had 4 kids at school, while I had all the babies, and toddler, with me. Things are going great with the daycare though. Almost couldn't ask for better. One little boy wasn't happy all day today, I have no clue why, but we managed and got through the day.
My kids are busy busy busy. With soccer, swimming, track and feild and trying to have a life in there somewhere, there isn't much other time.
We had a huge scare with hubby loosing his job. Thankfully he got it back in a different position before the start date for loosing it kicked in. It's nerve racking not knowing what's happening.
Hope all my friends are doing well, Jobthingy not sure if i'm glad i'm here with you learning to drive. Hope that goes well for you.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Party Time
Well ok it isn't really party time for 2 more months but I'm starting to think about what to do for Timothy's 1st birthday. Also thinking about what to get him. Clowns are always fun and there will be lots of older kids there, and in older I mean 4-8 year olds. Great age for it. I've been slowly gathering stuff for loot bags as well, stuff that if it doesn't get used can always be recycled to the next party. I love having parties for the kids!!!!! Guess I really should call the community center and see if they have an opening for his party. I would love to have it at my house but the beginning of June the weather could be gorgeous or shitty. I have that same problem for a September party, no saying what way the weather will flip.
The guest list has gotten rather large so maybe I will have the family in for cake on his birthday and then have everyone else come to the other party, my mom of course will be invited to both seeing she was with me when I delivered him. Time to figure all this out. It shouldn't be hard but hubbies work is still screwing around with things and who knows what's happening there.
They got notice of one thing and then the union person calls and says they are trying something else and I just want answers, is that really too much to ask for? I just want to know if he will be working still and how much he will be working. That will play a huge factor in what happens around here and how hard I try to get another preschool child for daycare. I hate the unknown.
The guest list has gotten rather large so maybe I will have the family in for cake on his birthday and then have everyone else come to the other party, my mom of course will be invited to both seeing she was with me when I delivered him. Time to figure all this out. It shouldn't be hard but hubbies work is still screwing around with things and who knows what's happening there.
They got notice of one thing and then the union person calls and says they are trying something else and I just want answers, is that really too much to ask for? I just want to know if he will be working still and how much he will be working. That will play a huge factor in what happens around here and how hard I try to get another preschool child for daycare. I hate the unknown.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Pampers coupon in Brandsavers
Here's to hoping someone gets the brandsavers coupon guide this weekend and doesn't need the pampers coupons in it. I would love to take them off your hands.
We got bad news this week from hubby's work and he is laid off on April 26th. He said he will take part time but it's less shifts and no benefits which really SUCKS, especially because we are a family. We always find a way to manage, as hard as it gets at times, so I know somehow we will come out on top and survive. Just a waiting game until more full times open. Downside is that there are a few people above him in seniority who also got the cut, like my mom. She is on a cruise though and doesn't know that she is layed off. Sucky way to come home and find that out, and I know she'll ask when she arrives home, I have her notice here so I think i'll give her the envelope as she drops me off. She is a strong lady and I know she will be alright too as she will also tell them to put her in the part time pool (above hubby though as she has more hours). Cutting hours like this sure sucks. I use her van when she is working and now it won't be anything consistant, which will make swimming lessons hard because I know she won't want to work every Friday. At least Brad can take Friday and Mondays off now. I can go back to my program which I miss very much!!!!!! It helps keep me sane in all this chaos.
We got bad news this week from hubby's work and he is laid off on April 26th. He said he will take part time but it's less shifts and no benefits which really SUCKS, especially because we are a family. We always find a way to manage, as hard as it gets at times, so I know somehow we will come out on top and survive. Just a waiting game until more full times open. Downside is that there are a few people above him in seniority who also got the cut, like my mom. She is on a cruise though and doesn't know that she is layed off. Sucky way to come home and find that out, and I know she'll ask when she arrives home, I have her notice here so I think i'll give her the envelope as she drops me off. She is a strong lady and I know she will be alright too as she will also tell them to put her in the part time pool (above hubby though as she has more hours). Cutting hours like this sure sucks. I use her van when she is working and now it won't be anything consistant, which will make swimming lessons hard because I know she won't want to work every Friday. At least Brad can take Friday and Mondays off now. I can go back to my program which I miss very much!!!!!! It helps keep me sane in all this chaos.
Monday, March 19, 2007
What a fun week!!!!
We had a great March Break. It started by watching Alex's team be defeated and not caring that they were. Those boys were out on the soccer feild to have fun, not to win the tournament. They came off with smiles, proud that they played hard and had a great time. After soccer ended for the season Alex went trucking. My little trucker loves when he goes with his Granddad on the big truck. They saluted a friend as they drove by and it was greatly appreciated. No matter how old you get, as long as you are a kid at heart you can appreciate when someone blows the horn as they drive by.
Tuesday we went to wallyworld to pick up a few things and stopped at the mall on the way home to eat. It was a hot day out so the kids got muddy in the back yard. Although we didn't get much snow, we did get enough to make mud, lol.
We went swimming at a free swim and it seems that I have yet another fish when it comes to water. Timothy couldn't get enough of the pool, after about an hour in the warm water though he started getting sleepy so it was time to get out, before we left the building he was fast asleep in the stroller again. This was Wednesday. Alex also got home this evening.
Thursday we wandered to the mall to get some things we needed.
Friday the big kids went to the library while the little kids went to breakfast buddies. Free breakfast, crafts and playtime for the morning. Can't complain about that. In the afternoon we had a couple extra friends that the kids wanted invited over. They made ice cream sundae's and had so much fun playing. Definately have to do that again. They had soooooo much fun.
Saturday we went to the mall to see the clowns after the farmers market. They did wonderful face painting and I would love to call them for Timothy's birthday party. We picked daddy up from work and slowly wandered home.
Sunday we went to church, went to timmies for lunch, walked to daddy's work, went to wallyworld again to buy the kids shoes and came home.
Today they WENT BACK TO SCHOOL and we've been taking it easy at home. I'm very tired and hoping that the tiredness goes away soon. Timothy wants to be cuddled all night, which I love, but that means no sleep for mom.
Tuesday we went to wallyworld to pick up a few things and stopped at the mall on the way home to eat. It was a hot day out so the kids got muddy in the back yard. Although we didn't get much snow, we did get enough to make mud, lol.
We went swimming at a free swim and it seems that I have yet another fish when it comes to water. Timothy couldn't get enough of the pool, after about an hour in the warm water though he started getting sleepy so it was time to get out, before we left the building he was fast asleep in the stroller again. This was Wednesday. Alex also got home this evening.
Thursday we wandered to the mall to get some things we needed.
Friday the big kids went to the library while the little kids went to breakfast buddies. Free breakfast, crafts and playtime for the morning. Can't complain about that. In the afternoon we had a couple extra friends that the kids wanted invited over. They made ice cream sundae's and had so much fun playing. Definately have to do that again. They had soooooo much fun.
Saturday we went to the mall to see the clowns after the farmers market. They did wonderful face painting and I would love to call them for Timothy's birthday party. We picked daddy up from work and slowly wandered home.
Sunday we went to church, went to timmies for lunch, walked to daddy's work, went to wallyworld again to buy the kids shoes and came home.
Today they WENT BACK TO SCHOOL and we've been taking it easy at home. I'm very tired and hoping that the tiredness goes away soon. Timothy wants to be cuddled all night, which I love, but that means no sleep for mom.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Still Alive
I figure I should make sure peoople know i'm still alive, it's been quite awhile since I last blogged. After this week though no guarantees because of March Break. I have a house extra full all week and it will end up with 9 kids here Friday, I have ALL the kids coming. That will be fun though.
The weather went up for a couple days, a wonderful 15 outside right now. The house is open and airing out again. The kids had a blast outside all afternoon. 2 of the kids are off to daycare with my biggest kid, hehe. I'll be on more later.
The weather went up for a couple days, a wonderful 15 outside right now. The house is open and airing out again. The kids had a blast outside all afternoon. 2 of the kids are off to daycare with my biggest kid, hehe. I'll be on more later.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
The Day After
Yesturday was the biggest love day of the year. I get the question of, mommy you love us all year so why don't we get chocolate all year? I told them it was an extra special day to show love and to make sure everyone knows how much they are loved. Miss Keona looks at me and says, mommy it would take you years to show how much you love me because there it's just too much.
My husband calls from work yesturday and says not to eat supper that he will make us a nice dinner for when I get home from the library with Alex, which is after 8. I had a little bit at supper because my body was telling me to eat or it would start being mean to me. I bought a bottle of wine on the way home and came into the house with my husband making dinner in his good suit, all the kids in bed (Alex on his way) and the table set up all nice, tablecloth, candles and all. It was so romantic and sweet. The wine was gone and there was some food leftover.
He went to bed with high expectations, he also drank a little much and wasn't the most gentle in the delicate areas (twice) and the dog was whining to get out of Alex's room, so I told him to bug off. He got all pissy but oh well. Later in the night he tried again but the dog was in bed too and kept ticking my feet so that just killed the moment. The time three came along and Keona decided she needed cuddling. Talk about getting shafted last night. So now I suppose he will be mopey all day. Oh well, dinner was romantic and really wonderful, the wine was great, it was all in all a really nice Valentine's day.
Today is back to regular love and a pajama party tonight at my kids school. From suits, dresses and candles to pjs and hot cocoa. One extreme to the next, the ongoing saga of our life.
My husband calls from work yesturday and says not to eat supper that he will make us a nice dinner for when I get home from the library with Alex, which is after 8. I had a little bit at supper because my body was telling me to eat or it would start being mean to me. I bought a bottle of wine on the way home and came into the house with my husband making dinner in his good suit, all the kids in bed (Alex on his way) and the table set up all nice, tablecloth, candles and all. It was so romantic and sweet. The wine was gone and there was some food leftover.
He went to bed with high expectations, he also drank a little much and wasn't the most gentle in the delicate areas (twice) and the dog was whining to get out of Alex's room, so I told him to bug off. He got all pissy but oh well. Later in the night he tried again but the dog was in bed too and kept ticking my feet so that just killed the moment. The time three came along and Keona decided she needed cuddling. Talk about getting shafted last night. So now I suppose he will be mopey all day. Oh well, dinner was romantic and really wonderful, the wine was great, it was all in all a really nice Valentine's day.
Today is back to regular love and a pajama party tonight at my kids school. From suits, dresses and candles to pjs and hot cocoa. One extreme to the next, the ongoing saga of our life.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Tomorrows Valentine's Day
The season of love. Yeah ok whatever, somebody should really tell the stores this. To me love isn't jacking up the prices of flowers and crap like that because it's the romantic holiday. I want flowers damn it but I won't let hubby pay $40 bucks for a dozen roses when normally they are $12. We did however, go out for dinner this past weekend and it was so nice. The wait was over an hour but it was well worth it. Then dinner was superb and the wine was oh so nice. I didn't even drink 2 glasses and had to stop so I could drive home, hubby on the other hand finished the litre that we got. With the crap he pulled it was nice that it seemed like he was all about me that night. Odd thing is the waiter was the same way. It was rather amusing how he talked to my boobs most of the time he was at our table because he was so much younger than we were. We got all dressed up and it felt awesome to be going out to have dinner and relax. Our babysitter was superb, despite having a hard time with Keona. Alex was at a friends house. The two big kids were in bed sleeping and Timothy was cuddling as we walked in. I guess she had Timothy asleep also when Keona decided to go yelling through the house and wake him up. They looked so relaxed though, it was too sweet. The kids love when she comes over, and love it more when she sleeps over.
Brad is the worst at waiting to give presents so he gave me my card and two candles yesturday, he wanted to light them last night while I soaked in the tub and relaxed. Luckily before I relaxed too much I managed to get out, just in time to feed my chunky monkey, then he fell asleep, then he woke up ten minutes later, came and cuddled his momma and went back to sleep for a good chunk of the night.
Keona is having her first school Valentine's party today and was so excited to go and she promised me she would behave. She wants to be there so badly I hope she can. The boys will have theirs tomorrow.
Happy Valentine's everyone!!!!!!!
Brad is the worst at waiting to give presents so he gave me my card and two candles yesturday, he wanted to light them last night while I soaked in the tub and relaxed. Luckily before I relaxed too much I managed to get out, just in time to feed my chunky monkey, then he fell asleep, then he woke up ten minutes later, came and cuddled his momma and went back to sleep for a good chunk of the night.
Keona is having her first school Valentine's party today and was so excited to go and she promised me she would behave. She wants to be there so badly I hope she can. The boys will have theirs tomorrow.
Happy Valentine's everyone!!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
One of my Favourite Things to Do
Has Anyone Seen my Baby?
I went out today to bring Zachary and Keona to swimming lessons and came home to a big boy. Timothy has decided that he needs to crawl now, especially to paper. It's the cutest thing going. Not only that but my baby has decided that since one of the daycare kids can pull herself up with furniture so can he. He pulled himself up and stood there and looked at me smiling. Why on earth does my baby have to grow so fast?
Thursday, February 1, 2007
It's a new day
Time to start leaving all the shit in the background. I'm the only mom my kids have and i'm going to be the best that I can be no matter how the other half treats them. When they get older things will come back around. I love my kids so much, even when they cause total chaos in my house. My oldest is being a total gentleman lately. He's helping out around the house a ton and loves his momma to death. Zachary is my little peanut. He's still so tiny and loveable. His growling and stomping when he doesn't get his way is rather amusing now and boy does it piss him off when I laugh at it. Keona, well Keona is Keona, She is a total diva when she wants to be and a tom boy as quick as you can turn around. I guess that's what 2 big brothers does to you, sure did that to me. Timothy is my baby boy, he is about to cute teeth 4-6 and although he can be grouchy he made mommies night last night by only getting up once during the night and his daddy fed him while mom slept. That is one good thing about the other half, he does get up the odd time at night to feed the baby. When he doesn't Timothy loves it because he gets booby. Yes at 8 plus months he's still my booby boy, I told him if he bites that's it, he laughed at me but since telling him he hasn't bitten. Smart little monkey.
I'm feeling awesome tonight. I bought all my groceries with daycare money (that I earned) and still had some left over!!!!!! I made more money than was needed for groceries for a family of 6 plus daycare kids. I'm so excited about that.
Brad started his therapy and surprize, surprize, the therapist, which is being paid for by tax dollars, told him the same freaken thing i've been saying and everyone else around him has been saying!!!!! What another waste of money, but he is too hot headed to beleive family. Oh well, such is life.
I'm feeling awesome tonight. I bought all my groceries with daycare money (that I earned) and still had some left over!!!!!! I made more money than was needed for groceries for a family of 6 plus daycare kids. I'm so excited about that.
Brad started his therapy and surprize, surprize, the therapist, which is being paid for by tax dollars, told him the same freaken thing i've been saying and everyone else around him has been saying!!!!! What another waste of money, but he is too hot headed to beleive family. Oh well, such is life.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
I really don't know what to call todays blog. I have a relatively slow house today, meaning 2 of my daycare kids aren't here so there are only 4 kids running around (7 when school gets out). We are off to play group this morning. The ladies there will be thrilled when they see one of the kids because they missed him. He came for a few weeks and then disappeared until now. They thought I was nuts last week bringing 3 kids, one walked, on on my back and one in the stroller. Makes me wonder what they will think today, when there is an extra one.
My big boys go to a club in the afternoons on Wednesday but one of the main leaders is busy today so there is no club. Hopefully it warms up that all the big kids can go outside for a few minutes when they arrive home. That's always a hit with mr attitude who doesn't want to do anything I ask him too, and if he does it's constant bitching. I love that kid though. Tonight he goes to the library to read aloud with a buddy.
Tomorrow the other half is off work. He has company coming over in the morning, because you know there isn't enough people in my house already, no kids though just an adult. He wants to go away for a weekend with him at the beginning of March but I don't think he's going to have enough trust to do that yet. Also hubby has his first councilling appt tomorrow. I suggested we go together but he doesn't want me there because he may say something I don't like and I might call him a liar. I told him don't lie and he wouldn't have to worry about that. This brings me to wonder how effective this is going to be. He tried antidepressents before and they didn't work. I talked to him and said he has to be totally honest with the counsilling because if he isn't it won't work. He got all pissy at me about that. I did tell him I really want it to work and i'm willing to work on it as much as he is, but i'm not doing it all, I can't.
My big boys go to a club in the afternoons on Wednesday but one of the main leaders is busy today so there is no club. Hopefully it warms up that all the big kids can go outside for a few minutes when they arrive home. That's always a hit with mr attitude who doesn't want to do anything I ask him too, and if he does it's constant bitching. I love that kid though. Tonight he goes to the library to read aloud with a buddy.
Tomorrow the other half is off work. He has company coming over in the morning, because you know there isn't enough people in my house already, no kids though just an adult. He wants to go away for a weekend with him at the beginning of March but I don't think he's going to have enough trust to do that yet. Also hubby has his first councilling appt tomorrow. I suggested we go together but he doesn't want me there because he may say something I don't like and I might call him a liar. I told him don't lie and he wouldn't have to worry about that. This brings me to wonder how effective this is going to be. He tried antidepressents before and they didn't work. I talked to him and said he has to be totally honest with the counsilling because if he isn't it won't work. He got all pissy at me about that. I did tell him I really want it to work and i'm willing to work on it as much as he is, but i'm not doing it all, I can't.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Been a Few
For those who have known my family we have had a lot of rocky times in the past. Now I don't know if i'm going through a rocky time or not. On one hand I say I am and on the other I say i'm better off than ever before. Let me explain, come on now, if you know me you knew I would.
Making me down is that my husband decided that getting off on porn was what he wanted to do. No he just didn't want to watch it but actually went to the sites for pleasure and relief and to make himself happy. Then to top things off he had to lie about it. I was in our bedroom upstairs, alone, while this was going on. It took him a couple weeks before actually admitting it was him, and that was only because I told him that I was going to tell the babysitters parents that they went to the site because my husband swears up one side of me and down the other it wasn't them. I feel extremely betrayed by this and right now I can't trust him at all. Right now he isn't allowed on the computer and I have changed the password to get on. This is one of my lowest parts to know my partner has cheated. I'm curious if he has in real life now too. I asked him if I was good enough for him and the bastard said no. Then, like any dog would, he tried to take it back but it was too late, the damage had been done.
My biggest highlight is I'm feeling very successful with my daycare. I love having the kids come over every day. Hell I get paid to play for a living, can't beat that. I know I have to stop and feed the kids and make sure they are clean and all but it's so much fun. I'm really loving it and am thrilled that I can stay home with my kids while helping other people who choose not to. To me I have the best of both worlds.
Making me down is that my husband decided that getting off on porn was what he wanted to do. No he just didn't want to watch it but actually went to the sites for pleasure and relief and to make himself happy. Then to top things off he had to lie about it. I was in our bedroom upstairs, alone, while this was going on. It took him a couple weeks before actually admitting it was him, and that was only because I told him that I was going to tell the babysitters parents that they went to the site because my husband swears up one side of me and down the other it wasn't them. I feel extremely betrayed by this and right now I can't trust him at all. Right now he isn't allowed on the computer and I have changed the password to get on. This is one of my lowest parts to know my partner has cheated. I'm curious if he has in real life now too. I asked him if I was good enough for him and the bastard said no. Then, like any dog would, he tried to take it back but it was too late, the damage had been done.
My biggest highlight is I'm feeling very successful with my daycare. I love having the kids come over every day. Hell I get paid to play for a living, can't beat that. I know I have to stop and feed the kids and make sure they are clean and all but it's so much fun. I'm really loving it and am thrilled that I can stay home with my kids while helping other people who choose not to. To me I have the best of both worlds.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Is it too much to Ask?
OMG, is it really too much to ask my hellions to not fight one morning? Keona's almost always the first one to fly out of bed so she wakes up Alex, who starts the day by freaking out on her. I told him that if he didn't want her going into his room, when the alarm went off he better get his butt out of bed and start getting ready because I was done with his pissiness. Then comes the dreaded breakfast time, it's all fighting the whole time. He did this, she did that. All freaken time. Today Alex is mad because he took all the "good" cereal but his bowl was overflowing. He did this so the other kids couldn't have any, saying they pigged out yesturday on the cereal, which was very interesting because yesturday they all had toast due to the lack of milk in the house. So I took his bowl and anything over the top went into Zachary's. If looks could kill that boy would have me so dead. Time to make lunches now and that starts a whole new war over who gets what snack. Because they can't take the same thing, that would be copying, and of course no one else can take something better than the other one. Getting ready to get out the door is the same thing. All morning.
Peace comes when that bus pulls away, because you can bet they fight all the way onto the bus also about who gets on first. I look forward to my house being overrun with babies, it's so much more peaceful, even when they are all crying!!!!!!
Just one morning I would like them not to bicker when they get ready. If not they will get ready seperately and will have to start getting up when their dad goes to work and getting ready, then they will each have 30 mintues.
Peace comes when that bus pulls away, because you can bet they fight all the way onto the bus also about who gets on first. I look forward to my house being overrun with babies, it's so much more peaceful, even when they are all crying!!!!!!
Just one morning I would like them not to bicker when they get ready. If not they will get ready seperately and will have to start getting up when their dad goes to work and getting ready, then they will each have 30 mintues.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Due credit
To all those parents with multiples here's a ton of credit. I had all three kids under 1 today at the house in the afternoon and it was fun. Alot of work seeing i'm use to one little person. Everything took longer, which means I have less to "plan" during the day. Lunch took a bit to get through, remembering who's spoon was who's and not mixing them up. All the kids had different food to boot. As soon as Timothy is finishes off his baby food that will change though and i'll supply lunch for everyone. Then it was diaper change time, one after the other they all got a clean diaper. The best time was next when I, single handedly, got all 3 kids to nap at the same time. First the little girl fell asleep in my arms, Timothy crashed on the couch. The other little boy didn't really want to go to sleep but sure enough his eyes got heavier and heavier. When they all woke up it was a story and then snack and yet another round of diaper changes. All the big kids got off the bus (my two boys plus an extra boy I babysit) The kids played together really well and not long after the first little boy was picked up. Keona was a huge help today and loved having another girl to hang around with for once. More playing and cuddles and then the little girl was picked up and my after school boy.
Here I sit, after feeding my kids supper and getting Alex out the door to Cadets. I'm in one peice and amazed how well I did today with all the kids. I can do it!!!!!!!!
Here I sit, after feeding my kids supper and getting Alex out the door to Cadets. I'm in one peice and amazed how well I did today with all the kids. I can do it!!!!!!!!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Why is it so cold?
Dear Mother Nature,
It would be greatly appreciated if you would turn the heat back on in our part of the country. Not even much, just enough so we can do the papers and not be frozen. Do you really understand that I had to get a sleepy baby into his two peice snowsuit and then, once he was fully traumatized I put him in his cold stroller and then wrapped him in a blanket. Then the princess, who didn't want to get dressed to start with, had to pile on all her outerwear. Mind you that would have been tempting to take her out without it if she fought too much longer. She doesn't like wearing all her clothes because she is stubborn. Next came Zachary, to have it warm enough that his feet won't freeze when I get tired of him bugging about socks. Like a little layer of cloth will do too much in this weather. He did find his socks when I told him we were leaving. Finally, there's the kid who thinks he's too cool to bundle up. Boy he would have been too cool this morning if he didn't listen to his mom. He still dawdled to do the papers when the rest of us were trying to go faster. If the wind was just a bit quicker it would have been registered with a windchill this morning. -26C isn't nice at all after spoiling us with temps that hovered around the freezing mark for so long. We all know we live in Canada and it's suppose to be cold but teasing us first, that was just not right. The mornings should never be this cold, it would save alot of battles, especially school mornings.
Therefore, I suggest you get some of the warmth back here. My legs are also frozen from this morning and the kids are going to want to drink all the hot chocolate. Kids and hot chocolate mean hyperness, and when it's this cold that is just a mean mix. GIVE ME BACK SOME WARMTH!!!!!!!!
Freezing in Canada
It would be greatly appreciated if you would turn the heat back on in our part of the country. Not even much, just enough so we can do the papers and not be frozen. Do you really understand that I had to get a sleepy baby into his two peice snowsuit and then, once he was fully traumatized I put him in his cold stroller and then wrapped him in a blanket. Then the princess, who didn't want to get dressed to start with, had to pile on all her outerwear. Mind you that would have been tempting to take her out without it if she fought too much longer. She doesn't like wearing all her clothes because she is stubborn. Next came Zachary, to have it warm enough that his feet won't freeze when I get tired of him bugging about socks. Like a little layer of cloth will do too much in this weather. He did find his socks when I told him we were leaving. Finally, there's the kid who thinks he's too cool to bundle up. Boy he would have been too cool this morning if he didn't listen to his mom. He still dawdled to do the papers when the rest of us were trying to go faster. If the wind was just a bit quicker it would have been registered with a windchill this morning. -26C isn't nice at all after spoiling us with temps that hovered around the freezing mark for so long. We all know we live in Canada and it's suppose to be cold but teasing us first, that was just not right. The mornings should never be this cold, it would save alot of battles, especially school mornings.
Therefore, I suggest you get some of the warmth back here. My legs are also frozen from this morning and the kids are going to want to drink all the hot chocolate. Kids and hot chocolate mean hyperness, and when it's this cold that is just a mean mix. GIVE ME BACK SOME WARMTH!!!!!!!!
Freezing in Canada
Friday, January 19, 2007
Didn't last
Peaceful sleep disturbed by the cry of an infant. Every night it's the same thing over and over. The upside, hubby is the one to get out of bed to get him. And at wee hours of the morning he was the one to get puked on too. Yes, my little buddy isn't feeling well. Not sure what has come over him but he thinks puking is fun today. He did a couple times last night and then again this morning. I haven't eaten anything different and i've used all the lotions before that I did last night so it can't be that. The evil little bug must have gotten to him. Poor guy, he eats and eats and eats and then a little while later feels compelled to show me just what he ate, thank goodness breast milk isn't smelly.
Today is Friday though and nothing can ruin a Friday. The big boys go to school, they have skating today even so they will come home in a really good mood also, and hopefully a little tired after walking to and from the rink and skating for over an hour. Timothy will be cuddly today because he isn't feeling well. Then there is the princess in disguise, i'm hoping she will behave. I highly doubt it so she may be seeing alot of her bed today. Then tonight is movie night and we are having popcorn with it. Not sure what we will watch, that's usually a battle in itself because with 3 kids and a husband they all want something different. Timothy could care less and mommy always has final say so it's all good.
First battle to go is to get the boys out the door with as little fighting as possible.
Today is Friday though and nothing can ruin a Friday. The big boys go to school, they have skating today even so they will come home in a really good mood also, and hopefully a little tired after walking to and from the rink and skating for over an hour. Timothy will be cuddly today because he isn't feeling well. Then there is the princess in disguise, i'm hoping she will behave. I highly doubt it so she may be seeing alot of her bed today. Then tonight is movie night and we are having popcorn with it. Not sure what we will watch, that's usually a battle in itself because with 3 kids and a husband they all want something different. Timothy could care less and mommy always has final say so it's all good.
First battle to go is to get the boys out the door with as little fighting as possible.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
I slept
Yes, I did and it felt great. I still woke up when Timothy did during the night but I fell back asleep as soon as I realized that the old man was taking care of him. Then I even got to sleep in some this morning. Not much because heaven knows my kids aren't quiet, but I didn't have to get out of bed as early and it definately felt good.
Today should be a good day, a bunch of kids coming over, eating lunch and going to play group. It will be even better if my husband can tell the truth for once when he goes for an assessment to get into anger management classes or whatever else he may need. Honesty isn't a strong point for him and it's funny because he is a shitty liar just like his mother. He gets so mad and frustrated when the lie is called on him, it's too funny and annoying at the same time. OH well though, maybe one day he will learn that his lying doesn't get him anywhere with me and his kids will learn his game too and I hate to see those relationships crumble anymore but they just won't be their with him. This is his last chance though with us, if things don't improve things will change. Like the saying is, you don't realize what you have until it's all gone.
Today should be a good day, a bunch of kids coming over, eating lunch and going to play group. It will be even better if my husband can tell the truth for once when he goes for an assessment to get into anger management classes or whatever else he may need. Honesty isn't a strong point for him and it's funny because he is a shitty liar just like his mother. He gets so mad and frustrated when the lie is called on him, it's too funny and annoying at the same time. OH well though, maybe one day he will learn that his lying doesn't get him anywhere with me and his kids will learn his game too and I hate to see those relationships crumble anymore but they just won't be their with him. This is his last chance though with us, if things don't improve things will change. Like the saying is, you don't realize what you have until it's all gone.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Welcome to Crazytown
Yes, I live in Crazytown. I'm the proud momma to 4 great kids and now my daycare is full. I have my own almost 8 month old at home, plus then another 8 month old little girl who I will start babysitting on Monday. If that's not enough for you though I have one of the cutest little boys who is almost 1 that I also watch. Oh yeah and then there are the 16 month old twins that I'm watching for 2 weeks at the end of this month, beginning of next. Yup, I think Crazytown explains where I live. Lots of organization and hopefully a strong routine will fall into place for us.
Keona is thrilled with this because she is finally getting a girl to play with. Out of all my daycare kids and my own kids she was the only girl. I'm really happy that she won't be the only one now. My house is so much fun, it's literally a fun house, without the scary mirrors. I have the best job in the world, I get to play all day and I get paid for it. I know it's alot of work still but as long as I have stuff ready to go (like food, kids want to eat for some reason) then it shall be successful. I get to stay home with my own children and watch other peoples children when they need to work. I love it!!!!!!!
So, anyone up for a visit?
Keona is thrilled with this because she is finally getting a girl to play with. Out of all my daycare kids and my own kids she was the only girl. I'm really happy that she won't be the only one now. My house is so much fun, it's literally a fun house, without the scary mirrors. I have the best job in the world, I get to play all day and I get paid for it. I know it's alot of work still but as long as I have stuff ready to go (like food, kids want to eat for some reason) then it shall be successful. I get to stay home with my own children and watch other peoples children when they need to work. I love it!!!!!!!
So, anyone up for a visit?
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
The gang at Christmas

I'm suppose to be paying attention mom. How did you know I wouldn't? And how the heck did you get the camera ready for when I wouldn't? OH yeah, i'm your boy and you know me.

It's an important job decorating the tree. Serious business, can you tell by my face. All the ornaments have to get on just right. But once they are on I can laugh and play again.

I'm cute and innocent and I dare you to say any different. Don't let this face fool you because she is a little dingbat in disguise. She will get into everything and anything and it's never a good thing when the house is quiet and she is home.

I see that paper and gosh darn it mommy i'm going to get it. Yes the wrapping paper was Timothy's favourite part about Christmas. Every time I turned around he had wrapping paper in his mouth. Between that and boobies he thinks he's set.
So there you have it. A glimps of what went on this Christmas season. Just a glimpse, but updated pictures of all the kiddos. What a cute little family we have, well ok it's not little but it's still a bunch of cute kids. Just 4 kids that is, not like today when I had 3 extra kids under 16 months. That was fun. At least they all got along fairly well and there was no hair pulling. Nope, the hair pulling was last week and then I got 2 looks, one of "why is that other boy crying mommy" and the other "what is he doing to me, it hurts". Timothy is lacking in the hair department compared to all the other kids he knows, so he feels the need to take other peoples, especially his mommies. He gives the cutest little face and then the hand starts to move. It holds onto my boob, then reaches a little farther and a little farther. I think to myself, the baby just wants a kiss on the hand. What a sweet little boy. Then no sooner do I kiss his hand, he has a whole handful of hair!!!!!! What a little rascal he can be. Big sister said it was ok to pull her hair, of course he was only pulling a couple at a time and then not really pulling, just running his hand along it. Then came the handfuls of her hair also, she dosen't think it's too funny. So Keona and I sit and wait for him to get lots of hair so that he will hopefully leave ours alone. Until then does anyone have some spare hair they can lend us, we will soon be bald.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Rude people
I hate rude people so much. Especially when people call and they think threatening you will make money appear in your bank account. I told them the more they call doesn't magically make money appear. Also that the money tree they seem to think I have didn't do to well over the summer when it was so hot. I'm tired of answering my phone and think maybe i'll get caller id so when they call I can ignore it. Or maybe i'll cancel my home phone and they will actually have to write to talk to me. Imagine that, people writing to others to do business. And they hate that I don't give them a set amount, I could do that but then heaven forbid there isn't that much in the bank when it comes time to pay and if there's more i've had one get mad at me because I paid more than I said. WTF, you would think they would be happy with a larger payment, but no, I didn't keep the promise and gave them more than agreed on. Now I just give people a date and say they can get some on that day, which isn't good for most of them but oh well. I think everyone can have $5 a month, that way i'm making an effort to pay them and they can't keep calling me or do anything else. I also hate when they try to force you into a certain amount, you tell them you can't make that amount and they go and get all pissy on you. Then they call back the day after they said you had to pay and bitch because you didn't do that. Well I never made a deal to begin with and I can't help what they put on their screens. I don't make promises for amounts, so when they say I did I can catch them on the lie every time. They don't like that either. Stupid people who try to play consumers.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Where did it come from
Where on earth did all the stuff in my house come from? There is just so much of it, it's out of control. This year hopefully we can deal with all the stuff and work our way through the piles and rooms of it. I would love to have the office looking good but that seems to be the "where can this go" spot. Everything ends up in the office. Huge yard sale happening this summer. I have a little path from the door to the computer that I can navigate through. Lots of the yardsale stuff is sitting in here waiting for the warm weather. Time to make it's way to a corner in the porch. I have to add my baby's snowsuit to the pile, it's just getting too small on him and it's so sad. I did get a really cute one though from superstore yesturday for dirt cheap. It even came with a matching hat. Imagine my life when I think a matching hat with a snowsuit is one of my highlights from the day.
Oh well, i'm a sahm and proud of it. I make this family work, well at least I try to make us work. With kids who are going through major attitude spells (still hoping it's just a stage) and a over spender for a husband it's been a challagne. Some times are tighter than others but as long as the power is on, the kids have clothes and we are all fed I think i'm doing just fine. Not to say I wouldn't love to actually have money in the bank more than an hour after getting up on payday, or I would love a ton of the bills to disappear. Wouldn't we all love to have less bills and debt though. I'm going to spend even less this year and for how many years it takes to climb out of our hole and we will be successful financially also. I know I can do it and this is the year to make a big dent in the debt. It's not a new years resolution, it's a family resolution that by the end of the year our debt will be less, hopefully substantially less. If I can only get rid of 2 credit cards that will be a huge feat for us. I know we can do it and we will do it. And now I have all my friends to keep me accountable.
Oh well, i'm a sahm and proud of it. I make this family work, well at least I try to make us work. With kids who are going through major attitude spells (still hoping it's just a stage) and a over spender for a husband it's been a challagne. Some times are tighter than others but as long as the power is on, the kids have clothes and we are all fed I think i'm doing just fine. Not to say I wouldn't love to actually have money in the bank more than an hour after getting up on payday, or I would love a ton of the bills to disappear. Wouldn't we all love to have less bills and debt though. I'm going to spend even less this year and for how many years it takes to climb out of our hole and we will be successful financially also. I know I can do it and this is the year to make a big dent in the debt. It's not a new years resolution, it's a family resolution that by the end of the year our debt will be less, hopefully substantially less. If I can only get rid of 2 credit cards that will be a huge feat for us. I know we can do it and we will do it. And now I have all my friends to keep me accountable.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Another day older
OMG, i'm another day closer to turning 30. So I still have months to go before that actually happens but still, it's an extra day closer. This morning getting up wasn't the same as it has been in a long time. I was so looking forward to sleeping in, because that's what my husband said I could do. So like a good wife, I dealt with Timothy all night when he didn't want to sleep. Then it happened, riiiiiiing, riiiiiiing riiiiiiiing. Of all mornings my husband actually jumped out of bed to answer the phone. He works in a nursing home, can you guess what they wanted? Yup, on a day it's -28C outside they wante him to go to work. So, after last nights dumb ass move, he thought it would be best to go and make some extra money. He was nice and did the papers before he went so I wouldn't have to drag all the kids out of their warm beds and into the freezing cold. Mind you by this time 3 of them were already out of their warm beds and my thought of sleeping in was long gone. Tomorrow we have to get up early for Church and then he doesn't have another day off until Thursday. So much for sleeping in, although if it's this cold tomorrow morning I may stay home with Timothy instead of bringing him out in the cold. Then the two of us can sleep, because in his eyes, morning when everyone is up and the kids have gone to school is the perfect time to nap. But if i'm about to fall asleep with him, it's only a short nap day because mom isn't allowed to sleep. Tomorrow however, mom will sleep if it's too cold and a boob will keep him happy and content.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Pissed off Rant
I wrote out a long post ranting about my husband and his mother but to actually publish it to the web would put me as low as they are and that wouldn't be right.
My hopes and dreams are that my husband can grow up and realize he is a married man and kissing his mothers ass won't get him what he wants. Also that my mil realizes that I don't listen to a word she has to say usually and that these are my children and I don't want them to be raised like hers were and she has no right telling me how to do so.
My hopes and dreams are that my husband can grow up and realize he is a married man and kissing his mothers ass won't get him what he wants. Also that my mil realizes that I don't listen to a word she has to say usually and that these are my children and I don't want them to be raised like hers were and she has no right telling me how to do so.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Peaceful Quiet
With a house usually full of kids there really is such a thing. Keona has gone to school today with the boys and Timothy is eating his Polar Bear. This is a nice peaceful quiet in my house. In a year I won't be saying that anymore because Timothy will be more mobile and if it's quiet, like with his siblings, it won't be a peaceful thing unless he is asleep, and even then it will be more eerie because kids can wake up and not make a noise just to get into something.
This morning came too early when the other half got up for work and all I could here was "mommy let me out of my room" I ignored her so the "open my dooooooooor" started. I still ignored her and like I hoped she fell back to sleep for another hour. She was a much happier girl then. Wonders what 12 1/2 hours of sleep can do for a little girl. I wish I new what it could do for me. My son looks at me like i'm a cow and thinks he needs to eat multiple time a night. Last night wasn't as bad as it has been, he took a couple 3 hour blocks, until 4 this morning and then it was a rest of the night thing. He eats constantly and then still gets up and has a good breakfast, I don't know where this kid puts it and he's only a baby, what happens in those dreaded teenage years when he doesn't stop eating? He's now eating a giraffe as he plays, as happy as can be. He is much more relaxed when big sister isn't around, maybe because he knows he won't be used as a dolly and carried around if I turn my back. He can actually play with his toys and not have big brother in his face to bug him. His biggest brother won't decide he wants to play with him, pick him up, sit on the couch, get him all worked up and then decide he wants nothing to do with him. He can play, have fun and babble away at mommy all day. Little does he know he has a friend coming over later today that mommy is going to start babysitting, someone his size and just a 3 months older. The peaceful quiet will be gone but the baby giggles won't be. Something has him very excited so i'm off to load up on coffee (I know, it's the thing likely keeping him up all night) and off to play.
This morning came too early when the other half got up for work and all I could here was "mommy let me out of my room" I ignored her so the "open my dooooooooor" started. I still ignored her and like I hoped she fell back to sleep for another hour. She was a much happier girl then. Wonders what 12 1/2 hours of sleep can do for a little girl. I wish I new what it could do for me. My son looks at me like i'm a cow and thinks he needs to eat multiple time a night. Last night wasn't as bad as it has been, he took a couple 3 hour blocks, until 4 this morning and then it was a rest of the night thing. He eats constantly and then still gets up and has a good breakfast, I don't know where this kid puts it and he's only a baby, what happens in those dreaded teenage years when he doesn't stop eating? He's now eating a giraffe as he plays, as happy as can be. He is much more relaxed when big sister isn't around, maybe because he knows he won't be used as a dolly and carried around if I turn my back. He can actually play with his toys and not have big brother in his face to bug him. His biggest brother won't decide he wants to play with him, pick him up, sit on the couch, get him all worked up and then decide he wants nothing to do with him. He can play, have fun and babble away at mommy all day. Little does he know he has a friend coming over later today that mommy is going to start babysitting, someone his size and just a 3 months older. The peaceful quiet will be gone but the baby giggles won't be. Something has him very excited so i'm off to load up on coffee (I know, it's the thing likely keeping him up all night) and off to play.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
The Winter that Hasn't been
Last time I checked I was still in Canada. I'm thanking the army now for all the tents they have graciously donated for the citizens of Canada to live in. See, it's been so mild here this winter that our igloos just couldn't withstand the conditions and have all melted. We would have no where to live if it wasn't for the tents. If only they would have withheld the warmth until yesturday when the temps dropped and it's freezing, like it should be in winter. I went out today and came home an ice cube. Thank goodness I didnt' have to take out the little people, just Alex. He had a dentist appt and when I got there after braving the cold, they said they had to rebook. If I knew they were going to do that I would have gotten a transfer when I got on the bus so I wouldn't have to pay twice.
It's suppose to snow tonight, not holding my breathe as it was suppose to snow the entire last week of last year and that never came either. It seems when it says snow, it actually rains or does nothing. On with our lack of Winter in the country known for winters.
It's suppose to snow tonight, not holding my breathe as it was suppose to snow the entire last week of last year and that never came either. It seems when it says snow, it actually rains or does nothing. On with our lack of Winter in the country known for winters.
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
The end of an Era
Today is the last day I will ever go to Healthy Moms Healthy Children as a participant of the course. It's rather sad thinking of that. A year ago I had just found out that I was having another boy and now he is 7 1/2 months old already. I remember having so many mixed feelings when I got pg and it took a bit for us to truly get excited about another baby in the house. It had been three years and Keona was so independant in so many areas. We had a break with no one in diapers, we weren't carrying a diaper bag, we didn't have to get up during the night, my boobs were mine damn it. Now we have all these things all over again. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade it for the world. Timothy is a wonderful little man, scared the crap out of mommy many many times before his arrival and even when he came out purple I was scared. Then there was the most beautiful noise a mom could hear, he cried for the first time and it was then I knew he was alright, he had survived when I told my care provider that I needed to be induced because something wasn't right anymore. I went to an OB at the very end and he was going to induce the next morning but he did a stretch and sweep that afternoon. I delivered that evening, and with great delight when I look back and know that Timothy woulnd't have survived until morning, not with the 2 knots in his umbilical cord.
I've been going to HMHB since the I found out I was pregnant, it was my princesses third birthday. I remember buying the test and not wanting to wait so went into the store bathroom and taking it, there it was one pink line and then the other started to appear. Now was the task of telling my parents, and his. We weren't in the best spot to be bringing a new life into this world and we knew that things wouldn't go over well with them. My mom was happy, so was my dad. Then there were his parents, his dad was more worried for us, he is a great guy and worries alot about his kids and their well being. But my mil, well that was a different story. It was the same thing with every pregnancy, she stopped talking to us all together and disowned us yet again, the only difference this time, she had surgery just after and I still went to see her in the hospital and then she started talking again. She went to the u/s, not sure if it was because she was trying to play up how good of a woman she tries to be or if she really wanted to be there because she found out my mother was going. It's amazing how she always manages to crawl back into our lives to make herself look like such a great grandmother. She does that though and stops talking to us whenever we do something she doesn't like. YOu know, having a baby, getting married, setting rules for our house and saying they need to abide by them as well. I figure she can only play her games so long because what comes around goes around. The kids will learn her game and one day not care anymore and won't let her back. That's a whole nother blog entry though.
I've been going to HMHB since the I found out I was pregnant, it was my princesses third birthday. I remember buying the test and not wanting to wait so went into the store bathroom and taking it, there it was one pink line and then the other started to appear. Now was the task of telling my parents, and his. We weren't in the best spot to be bringing a new life into this world and we knew that things wouldn't go over well with them. My mom was happy, so was my dad. Then there were his parents, his dad was more worried for us, he is a great guy and worries alot about his kids and their well being. But my mil, well that was a different story. It was the same thing with every pregnancy, she stopped talking to us all together and disowned us yet again, the only difference this time, she had surgery just after and I still went to see her in the hospital and then she started talking again. She went to the u/s, not sure if it was because she was trying to play up how good of a woman she tries to be or if she really wanted to be there because she found out my mother was going. It's amazing how she always manages to crawl back into our lives to make herself look like such a great grandmother. She does that though and stops talking to us whenever we do something she doesn't like. YOu know, having a baby, getting married, setting rules for our house and saying they need to abide by them as well. I figure she can only play her games so long because what comes around goes around. The kids will learn her game and one day not care anymore and won't let her back. That's a whole nother blog entry though.
Monday, January 8, 2007
And so it Begins
Hiding while Keona consumes her yogurt and Timothy sits playing. If I wasn't good at animal sounds and the alphabet I am now with Timothy's new Christmas toy, the little people alphabet mat. School has gone back and I can breathe again, although it seems too quiet around here. Only two kids home today. Tomorrow Keona will be back to school also, now that will be a peaceful quiet.
Alex and Zachary are both at school. Zachary loves the fact he could go back and see all his friends and show off his battle scars from the break. He was sledding and face planted the ground and now has a scraped up chin. He had a blast doing it though. Alex wasn't happy, he is my dads favourite and was spoiled by going trucking twice over Christmas with him. Now he won't get to do that again until at least March, and that's only a maybe. He forgets that my dad does come and visit periodically throughout the year, not just on school holidays.
I'm holding out and going uphill now our routine is back in place. Not being in school puts everyone and everything out of place. I would it rather be like one of my friends and the kids only be out a week, why oh why couldn't they go back last week?
The good news is I have a new daycare boy starting tomorrow. He's a cutie and is starting off very slowly to get use to coming before mom has to go back to work next month. A friend for Timothy. I do feel bad with the daycare and Keona, poor kid is the only girl with a house full of boys. In the summer I can have 8-10 kids running around and yet just one girl.
I hear an unpleasant sound coming from Timothy so I should go and make sure it's just sounds and not a present left behind as he sits giggling at me.
Alex and Zachary are both at school. Zachary loves the fact he could go back and see all his friends and show off his battle scars from the break. He was sledding and face planted the ground and now has a scraped up chin. He had a blast doing it though. Alex wasn't happy, he is my dads favourite and was spoiled by going trucking twice over Christmas with him. Now he won't get to do that again until at least March, and that's only a maybe. He forgets that my dad does come and visit periodically throughout the year, not just on school holidays.
I'm holding out and going uphill now our routine is back in place. Not being in school puts everyone and everything out of place. I would it rather be like one of my friends and the kids only be out a week, why oh why couldn't they go back last week?
The good news is I have a new daycare boy starting tomorrow. He's a cutie and is starting off very slowly to get use to coming before mom has to go back to work next month. A friend for Timothy. I do feel bad with the daycare and Keona, poor kid is the only girl with a house full of boys. In the summer I can have 8-10 kids running around and yet just one girl.
I hear an unpleasant sound coming from Timothy so I should go and make sure it's just sounds and not a present left behind as he sits giggling at me.
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